Credits • January 2022
Credits, member thank-yous, and corrections (if needed) for January 2022 on

It’s not a secret: is, for now, a one person show. It’s not a secret: it's self-funded and (slowly but surely) will be reader-funded.
It may be a one person show, but it’s not like I’m alone.
It may be reader-funded, but it’s not like I wake up and worry about saddling this website with a drive for more page views, visitor counts, a higher CPM or lucrative sponsorships.
I instead wake up and think about what readers might want to see—this is truly liberating and the only way can remain relevant to you, no matter what.
The final piece of the basic recipe for this publication is something I’ve felt strongly about creating for quite some time: a monthly Credits article. Yes, like at the end of a movie or TV show.
Why? What for…? Because:
- Over the last two weeks, I’ve heard from peers, colleagues, friends, and family who’ve visited this website. I’ve heard honest feedback. Thank you.
- On social media, both publicly and privately, followers have shared articles, their time to engage in replies, and their support for my work. Thank you.
- Drew with Bowlus for answered additional questions about trailer brake controllers that led to a story update. Thank you.
- Thank you to the 9 subscribed members total—this doesn’t seem like much, but it’s been only a week—you rock! I’m so excited to deliver on the faith you’ve placed in me, throughout 2022 and beyond.
- Extra special thanks to paid subscribers M.L., M.L., and M.M.
Being an independent publisher doesn't mean the writing, stories, or goals are any less professional—it simply means that anyone reading this should know that includes gratitude and accountability as standard features.
Thank you.
Michael Banovsky, Publisher